Tonic Syrup

Homemade tonic syrup is pretty easy once you have the ingredients and equipment. The syrup is used w/ gin, club soda, and limes to make a truly great gin and tonic. Once again, Kevin Liu provided the recipe for this from which I have deviated little. He credits Jeffrey Morgenthaler, so we stand on shoulders of giants with this recipe.

This yields about  cups of syrup; enough for 16 cocktails.


  • 40 g cut Cinchona Bark (Peruvian bark; this linked purchase contains 435 g)
  • 1.5 cups water
  • 220 g granulated sugar
  • 6.8 g Citric Acid (about 0.5 tsp). 


  1. Boil the  water on the stove in a pot. Once boiling, add the Cinchona bark and off the heat. Cover and let steep for 20 minutes. 
  2. Strain the bark liquid mixture through mesh strainer.  You can re-strain it through a coffee filter or a jury-rigged AeroPress. I've always used the AeroPress setup so cannot comment on the regular coffee filter. Might come out a bit cloudier, but will still taste great I'm sure. 
  3. After filtering, add the sugar and citric acid and place everything into a sealed container (like Tupperware).  Shake until everything is dissolved. Pour into a stoppered bottle or one with a screw cap. 
To make a gin and tonic...
To a highball glass, add 2 oz gin, 1 oz syrup, and 3 ounces of carbonated water. I sometimes drop the tonic syrup to 3/4 oz.  Add ice, stir. Garnish with lime wedge or two. 

In this particular bottling I added some dried lavender during the steeping process. It added a bit of lavender flavor. It also made the color much more red than the usual orange I get. 

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